Parental alienation is a complex and emotional situation for both a parent and his or her child. Sometimes referred to as parental alienation syndrome (PAS), the term is used in situations where a child develops a negative perception toward one parent because of comments or actions made by the other parent. Not only does this damage the relationship between the child and the parent, it can also cause the child serious psychological harm.
Determining whether a child has been alienated from a parent is not easy and evaluating this type of case requires the services of a mental health professional or parenting coordinator to interview the child and the parents in order to form a professional opinion. If you are a parent and suspect your child is the victim of parental alienation, meet with a dedicated family law attorney who can assist you in this matter.
At the Law Office of Alma R. Benavides, we will discuss your child custody and visitation interference concerns. We will then discuss all options with you, including reunification therapy or a modified parenting plan.
Plano parental alienation syndrome lawyer Alma R. Benavides has the experience, care and dedication you need. Contact us today to learn more.
Parental alienation deprives a child of the right to be loved by the other parent and also prevents the child from showing love for both of his or her parents. It is destructive behavior by one parent or a third person — sometimes verbal, sometimes nonverbal — toward the other parent to which the child is exposed. Some examples of these behaviors include:
Disparaging the other parent to the child or within hearing of the child
Reading or allowing a child to read all of the legal pleadings
Having the child speak with the parent’s lawyer
Interfering with visitation rights by scheduling activities for the child during the other parent’s period of possession — thus resulting in the other parent looking like the “bad parent” for not allowing the child to go to the scheduled activity
Using the child as a messenger
Sharing intimate details of the other spouse’s infidelity, behavior, etc.
Most often, these behaviors are seen in high-conflict marriages, separation or divorce. This manipulation often results in the child exhibiting strong emotions of fear, hatred, disrespect or avoidance toward the other parent. The end result can destroy a child’s sense of security and safety with the other parent and lead to long-lasting maladaptive emotional or psychological trauma.
If you feel that you are being alienated from your child by the other parent, contact attorney Alma R. Benavides to schedule a consultation at her office in Plano, Texas.
To schedule an initial consultation, call (972) 578-2600 (locally) or e-mail us today.